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#16 - Amazon Sellers are Bribing Users, and Handy Security Advises

Long conveyor belt in Amazon fulfillment center moving boxes with Amazon Prime stickers to another storage

Amazon has previously escaped liability for its vendors’ products in other court rulings.


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A bill recently signed into law on by California Governor Gavin Newsom could provide some relief to businesses.


New study by U.K-based consumer watchdog Which.


To stock Amazon’s shelves, merchants travel the backroads of America in search of rare soap and coveted toys.


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With 2.5 million third-party sellers, it’s the largest employment-related class barred from using courts for complaints.


Here are all the businesses, brands and subsidiaries owned by “The Everything Store.”


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Shopkeeper automatically pulls and combines 72+ types of fees from your Seller Central account, to show you your true profits.
